WIAW: Easter Weekend

It seems like Easter was weeks ago, but nope, it was just a couple of days ago! Obviously I’m great at procrastinating on posting about it πŸ˜‰ But seriously though, it’s getting to be that busy time of the semester, when everything is just starting to pile up so apologies if I go missing around here for a few days!

Easter weekend was one of the best weekends I’ve had in awhile. I really needed the long weekend after a rough post-spring break week back at school, so the fun and rest was much appreciated. I’ll break it all down for you in some pics I snapped over the weekend.

OOTD March 28: black studded tank (F21), black/white printed harem pants (F21), white watch (AE).

OOTD March 28: black studded tank (F21), black/white printed harem pants (F21), white watch (AE).

Thursday started out with morning classes, and then my mom drove up to bring me back home. She got up to my apartment around noon so we stopped for lunch before hitting the road. We went to Wahoo’s, one of our old favorites that we now can’t get back home since all the locations shut down. Luckily my college town still has one–Wahoo’s has the best guac, hands down. I got a surprisingly amazing salad topped with guac, salsa and roasted veggies.

Fast forward a couple of hours. My parents were both in a Holy Week play at our church so my sister and I went to go watch them. For not having many rehearsals, everybody was really good and a lot of the monologues were very emotional.

Some new-to-me groceries.

Some new-to-me groceries.

Friday morning I got to sleep in a little, and then after lunch my mom and I went out to find birthday presents for my dad. Shhhh, don’t tell him I told you but he’s turning the big 5-0 today! Anyways, we also hit up Whole Foods as per usual so I could pick up groceries for the week ahead. I got a few new things as usual too–the Sunwarrior chocolate was ordered by my dad off Amazon, but everything else was bought by me. So far, I loved the sweet potato apple fruit strip–it was delicious and only a couple of grams of sugar–the nori sheets (perfect for raw wraps) and the kale chips. Seriously, the Kale Krunch brand is the best, I’ve loved all their flavors I’ve tried.

Artisan pizza to celebrate my dad's birthday a little early. This was Saturday's leftover dinner (over a bed of spinach+balsamic) but I ordered a pizza with kalamata olives, artichokes, capers, garlic and oregano (no cheese of course).

Artisan pizza to celebrate my dad’s birthday a little early. This was Saturday’s leftover dinner (over a bed of spinach+balsamic) but I ordered a pizza with kalamata olives, artichokes, capers, garlic and oregano (no cheese of course).

This may seem weird as a clean eating vegan, but I LOVE pizza! By pizza, I don’t mean mass-produced Domino’s or frozen pizza with greasy cheese and no veggies. I love good quality, hand tossed pizza from authentic restaurants topped with classic Mediterranean toppings like olives and artichokes and thin crispy crust. And of course, no cheese! Even when places offer vegan cheese, I never order it because I like to keep my pizzas focused on the veggies. We ate dinner pretty late since we went to the Good Friday service at our church before (always a very moving service) but surprisingly, I wasn’t too freaked out about eating dinner around 9. I even ate 4 out of 6 of the slices…and had two leftover for a great dinner on Saturday!

My diva Easter eggs, thanks to a Target egg kit.

My diva Easter eggs, thanks to a Target egg kit.

Who needs to dye eggs when you can accessorize them? At my house, we’ve decorated Easter eggs since I was little and I can’t imagine not doing it. This year, I convinced my mom to buy the diva decorating kit from Target rather than the usual glitter and dye kits. Yes, I’m still 5 years old πŸ˜€ My sister and I had a blast glamming out our eggs to be rocker chicks on Saturday night. Easter eggs have never been this cool!

Grain free carrot cake pancakes for Easter breakfast.

Grain free carrot cake pancakes for Easter breakfast.

What’s better than homemade pancakes on Easter morning? Ok, for me, waffles would win, but my waffle maker lives at my apartment while I’m at school so sadly I couldn’t make them. But I settled for carrot cake pancakes, made with almond and buckwheat flours (so technically grain free, since buckwheat is a seed, like quinoa), shredded carrot, raisins and topped with peanut flour paste and cashew butter and more raisins, dipped in real maple syrup. If only I could make pancakes every morning!

My Easter outfit (actually the exact same as last year!)

My Easter outfit (actually the exact same as last year!)

I didn’t realize it until looking at my photos from last year, but I wore the same dress last Easter. Oh well, I’m sure no one but me noticed. Easter is usually snowy and cold here for some reason (April is one of our snowiest months, go figure) but this year we had no snow at all and it was actually sunny and in the 60s. So I could wear a dress without bundling up in a coat and sweater too!

Finally tried the strawberry Zevia!

Finally tried the strawberry Zevia!

Sprouts is my savior…first they had the ALT Larabars, now they have strawberry Zevia. And unlike the grape, which I only sorta liked, this one was delicious and almost tasted like watermelon (always a good thing). And I just love the light pink can color!

My Easter basket!

My Easter basket!

Another Easter tradition that never gets old? Hiding Easter baskets! My mom hid one for me, my sister and dad this year and I still loved searching all over the house for it. And I was pleasantly surprised to find that she had filled it with my favorite nail polish color, great smelling lotion and vegan candy from Whole Foods. Now, to be 100% honest, I’m still a little wary about this candy–it’s healthier than most but it still doesn’t have completely ‘clean’ ingredients up to my ridiculous standards. However, I know she wanted me to be able to enjoy some candy, so I’ll try to get over my fear and enjoy a little of it every day. It’s not even that unhealthy, to be honest, just another issue I’m still dealing with.

So Delicious sugar free vanilla coconut milk ice cream topped with frozen blueberries.

So Delicious sugar free vanilla coconut milk ice cream topped with frozen blueberries.

Easter dessert was something I haven’t had in awhile–ice cream! I love coconut milk ice cream, but again, it was something I pushed aside because it wasn’t totally ‘clean’. However, I really like the no sugar added kind by So Delicious and it’s really not that processed so I enjoyed a small bowl of the vanilla with blueberries and a homemade chocolate PB bunny on the side (recipe to come).

Carrot cake 'white chocolate' truffles (recipe soon!)

Carrot cake ‘white chocolate’ truffles (recipe soon!)

Easter weekend was extra long because I didn’t head back up to school until early Monday morning. Once back at my apartment after classes, I whipped up another batch of the homemade chocolate PB bunnies (this time I made ‘eggs’) and also experimented with making a carrot cake inspired version. Both kinds turned out amazing, so look for those recipes very soon! Both recipes have no added sugar, and are super easy to whip up.

What was the best part of your weekend? Are you a snob about any foods (like me with pizza)?




29 thoughts on “WIAW: Easter Weekend

  1. That pizza looks amazing!! I am new to kale chips, but love them. I will have to be on the lookout for that brand the next time that I am at Whole Foods.

    Oh, and I love your Easter outfit. Very pretty!

    • Thank you! Kale chips are awesome, I’ve glad you’ve discovered them! I really need to stop buying them though since I have a dehydrator to make them but this brand is so good I just can’t stop πŸ˜›

  2. Oh my gosh, I love your diva Easter eggs! Seriously too cute! Glad you had a great Easter weekend with your family! Good luck with the rest of your semester, girlie!!!

  3. Aja says:

    I love your diva eggs. So cute! And your dress. My Easter outfit was the exact same as last year, too.

  4. I am so glad you had a relaxing weekend; it sounds as though you enjoyed yourself. That pizza looks delicious, and I don’t think it’s “strange” at all for you to love pizza–why should it be?:) I definitely recommend that you try some with vegan cheese, though; I tried Daiya cheese for the first time recently, and it was amazing! I am sure you could still get a pizza with lots of vegan cheese AND vegetables–because I enjoy having a ton of veggies on my pizza as well. I have never tried Zevia before, but I would like to try it sometime. I hope you are able to simply enjoy the candy your mom got you, and not worry about whether or not it is “clean enough.” Just remember that it certainly won’t kill you to eat some! The same goes with the ice cream–who cares if it has some added sugar or slightly “unclean” ingredients? I don’t want to sound pushy, but I don’t want you to miss out on all the amazing vegan ice cream brands out there:) I am looking forward to the chocolate PB eggs recipe; they sound quite delicious. Oh, and your Easter dress is quite lovely; you look beautiful in it!

  5. Super cute outfit, of course!
    I’ve actually never tried the Strawberry Zevia- I want to! And I loooove pizza too! Even when I was vegan I still ate it pretty frequently. Yours sounds delicious!

  6. Okay I just have to say that those Easter eggs are the cutest thing ever. I love the idea of accessorizing them out rather than dying them. Makes for very cute eggs! And that’s so sweet of your mom to get you an Easter basket πŸ™‚ My mom still gets one for me too, and no matter how old I get, I’m kind of hoping that it’s a tradition that’ll never die. There’s just something about it that feels so sentimental and special. As for the Easter chocolates… I know it’s a hard thing to get over, but I know that you know it’s something you have to push yourself to do if you want to really get better. Don’t let a silly fear ruin your chance to get more enjoyment out of life – everyone needs chocolate on a regular basis πŸ™‚

    • They are very cute, I’m hoping they have a similar kit next year because these were my favorite Easter eggs ever!

      I’m definitely going to be pushing myself to enjoy the Easter candy–it’s only once a year and it’s something I enjoy, so why not?

  7. Happy Birthday to your dad!
    These might just be the most creative and funniest Easter eggs I’ve ever seen – great job!
    Ashley, it might sound weird but I’m so proud of you for having eaten the pizza – though you should try it with Daiya as it’s really good :)! – and ice cream. Don’t feel like you weren’t allowed to eat either these foods or the Easter chocolates your mum gave you. Nobody is judging you for them not being “clean” enough. The only bad food you could eat is some you don’t enjoy and I’m sure you’ll enjoy chocolate :).
    Last but not least you look fantastic in your Easter dress!

    • I really want to try Daiya, I’ve heard such great things about it and I’m sure it’d be a great addition to veggie pizza! Thanks for the reminder about not being judged about eating ‘clean’, I always feel like I need to be putting up this perfect front on my blog but honestly it can be tiring and it’s not healthy for me to be restricting my food choices so much!

  8. There are so many great things in this post, I’m not sure where to begin! First, I love Kale Krunch kale chips–they’re so addicting! Second, the diva eggs you decorated for Easter are adorable! I’m going to be on the lookout for that kit next year. Third, I LOVE your pretty floral dress! I re-wear dresses on holidays all the time. πŸ™‚ Fourth, the Easter Bunny was so good to you! I hope you’re able to enjoy some of that candy guilt free. I eat chocolate every single day, and always remind myself that the antioxidants are doing my body lots of good. But even better, chocolate is nourishment for the soul. ❀ Finally, big thumbs up to So Delicious no-sugar added ice cream. I actually ate a bowl an hour ago!

    • I’ve gotten it from Whole Foods, Sprouts (a cheaper version of Whole Foods) and Target too! Not every store has a great flavor selection but most different locations I’ve been to of all of these stores at least have a few flavors.

      • Awesome! I’ll have to check it out and see what I can find. I was so excited to see that there was diet grape available! I love grape soda and I have been looking for diet grape! πŸ™‚ Plus, all the other flavors sound tasty too!!

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