About Me

selfie before the first final

My name is Ashley, and I’m the girl behind AlmostVegGirlie!

I started this blog in May of 2011 as a way to chronicle my journey into vegetarianism and finally veganism. I’ve changed a LOT since I started the blog. Back then, I was just finished with my freshman year of college and had moved back home for the summer. I was excited about having a few months ahead of me to do some recipe experimenting, and hopefully develop my passion for fitness. Oh, yeah…and I was just two years into recovery for an eating disorder (AN).

Me during my early recovery days in 2009.

Me during my early recovery days in 2009.

Long story short, I still struggle from time to time with anorexia and orthorexia. I may never be fully recovered, but I’m done with letting my ED define me.

So what does define me? I was born in Arizona (I will always be a desert rat at heart), Colorado was my home for 19 years, and now I’m living in Oklahoma for my first post-grad job. I went to college two hours from home in the best small town where I made lots of friends and memories and discovered who I want to be. I graduated in 2013 with a degree in broadcast journalism, and I currently work as an associate producer for a TV station. I’ve been dreaming of a career in TV news since I was a senior in high school, but sometimes it takes a little experience to actually know what you want to do. I plan on shifting into a position where I can do more lifestyle/entertainment journalism or possibly getting a certificate in meteorology so I can be a weather anchor!

Maybe someday you'll see me on TV in front of the green screen!

Maybe someday you’ll see me on TV in front of the green screen!

Oh, and I’m also vegan and mostly gluten-free. I’ve been eating plant-based since 2012, and I haven’t looked back. This way of eating has changed everything for me. It inspired me to work harder at recovery so I could be the best advocate possible for the vegan lifestyle. It’s made me passionate about animal rights, my own health and the environment. It’s turned me into a creative chef, who can whip up just about anything out of plants.

What do I do when I’m not working or cooking? I have a new-found love for running (but only outside!), a huge obsession with fashion and shopping, playing tennis, alt rock music, yoga, being out in nature and all things social media.

I love my sweaty post-run selfies.

I love my sweaty post-run selfies.

I have big dreams for myself, some of which may never happen, but I’m a believer in having goals and dreams to chase after. I want to live in California or Arizona again. I would love to run a raw vegan cafe. I want to be an anchor on The Today Show. I’d like to own Italian greyhounds. I want to travel to every state in the U.S. and visit every continent. I want to work with others who’ve struggled with eating disorders.

I have a shameless obsession with selfies, specifically those of the ‘outfit of the day’ variety. Just look at my Instagram. I like to take on taboo topics and rant about them in my posts. I share my random insights on Twitter. I’m very honest on my blog about my struggles. I read and try to reply to every single comment I get because they’re all so important to me. I know my blog isn’t the most popular, and that’s okay with me. As long as I have 1 reader, I know I’m making some kind of difference.

I also like to take photos of my food.

I also like to take photos of my food.

If you’d like to get in touch with me, email me at ashlauren711@gmail.com, hit up my Twitter or comment here!

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