Too Much Fruit?

Can I just tell you how excited I am for Thanksgiving break? I know, I know, I’ve pretty much mentioned it in at least my last 5 posts probably, but it’s really exciting. 9 days away from school–woooo! Now, I do love having a room all to myself, but as I’m one of the only sophomores in my hall, let’s just say that I’m getting really sick of all the immature freshman being loud at the worst possible hours. Like last week, they all decided to chat out in the hall right by my room…at 3 AM! Okay, I know I’m a granny when it comes to bedtime, but staying up til 3 is ridiculous, especially on a school night. Can’t wait for them to grow up and stop screaming and giggling constantly. Needless to say, I’m looking forward to the relative peace and quiet of home, seeing my family for over a week, as well as unlimited access to the kitchen. That is for sure the best part!

Anyways, today I have sort of a rant for you guys, so if you’d rather not read, I understand. But honestly, it’s not really that negative, just something that’s really bothered me lately. And it’s about fruit, my favorite food group.

I love fruit on its own...

Who doesn’t love fruit? I’ve loved it my entire life–I was never one of those kids who had no idea what a fresh apple looked like or whatever. We always had fruit around my house, and I’d probably have it at least once or twice a day. Today, I’m such a fruit freak it’s not even funny. I probably have it 4 times a day, at almost every meal or snack. Seriously, I love it that much! I always have to have grapes, bananas, apples, various dried fruits and sometimes even frozen fruit in my dorm because I can’t go a day without it. And you know what, I always thought it was really healthy. I mean, we’re supposed to get like 3 to 5 servings each of fruits and veggies a day, and while I’m sometimes slacking on the veggies, I never neglect my beloved fruit. But now with all this talk about diabetes and obesity, a lot of people are encouraging cutting down on fruit. salsas and gazpachos...

Say what? Fruit is nature’s candy–it’s naturally sweet, with plenty of vitamins and antioxidants and fiber. Most are low in calories and fat, so how can it be that bad? Well, apparently, all the sugar in them. I just recently started using this MyFitnessPal app to track my food (just as an experiment to see how much I’m really eating/burning, NOT to restrict) and I’ve been shocked at how high my sugar intake has been.It’s usually around 60 grams, and they recommend only 25 in a day. I freaked out, but then decided to really look at the numbers. I realized that most of it was coming from fruit. I usually have an apple per day–there goes 10 grams of sugar! Half a banana has basically the same amount, and dried fruit has a TON. But really, it’s not like I’m overdosing on the fruit or anything. I loved dried fruit, but I usually even eat less than the serving size. Having a serving of fruit 4 times a day isn’t really that bad, is it? Well according to this app, I’m probably going to become a diabetic soon. my topping of choice for frozen yogurt...

Honestly, I think it’s completely ridiculous. They should have a disclaimer or something saying that the 25 grams is added sugars only, not the natural ones found in fruit and some veggies. Otherwise, some people might start cutting fruit out of their diets, which isn’t good. Fruit is so healthy for you, in moderation, and some people still don’t even eat the recommended amount. With all this hype about sugar being so bad for you, everyone’s going to start shunning fruit!

...and in overnight oats!

When I subtract the sugars I’m getting from the fruit I eat, I actually end up around their recommended 25 grams. And I love my fruit, so I’m not going to give it up. I don’t care what all these ‘so-called’ experts say–if I want to enjoy an apple with my lunch, or some berries with breakfast, I will! Recovering from an ED, I have enough fear foods as it is without adding fruits to my list. That’s just ridiculous. #rantover

Cat Nap Time

Okay, this is random, but isn't this like the cutest thing ever? I found this website called and it has the most adorable animals on it!

Do you love fruit? What do you think about all this hype about too much sugar and fruit?