Hey guys! How’s your week been? I feel like the past few days have been a whirlwind for me. Who knew the second week of school could be so busy?! As you might have noticed from my post title or recent tweets, President Obama visited my college campus today! Yeah, I know, super awesome. I really don’t think it matters what political party you side with, it’s just cool to have the president visit your school. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see him in person, because I was working studio crew for the campus TV station, but I got to listen to his entire speech and it blew me away. I honestly don’t want to get into politics, but he had some really good points and is just a great speaker overall. So…yeah. I was also on standby to do a quick weather update, since it was so hot that people waiting in line to see Obama were passing out (!) but unfortunately I didn’t get to do it. It was still an exciting experience though.

Anyways, here are some random food pics from throughout the week. I almost never can remember to take photos of all my meals in one day so this is definitely not all eaten in one day!

Mixed greens. Mini sweet peppers. Edamame. Spicy peanut sauce.

Let me just say that everything tastes better with spicy peanut sauce. This one was made with Whole Foods brand peanut sauce (bonus: it’s actually vegan), a little sriracha and some lime juice. Easy peasy.

Raw cookie from Whole Foods. Dates. Coconut. Goji berries. Cacao nibs.

The Whole Foods in my college town has an even better assortment of vegan cookies than the one at home! This raw one was interesting, definitely not as good as the chocolate chip but still delicious.

Pinto beans. Fresh-roasted Hatch chiles. Kale. Mini sweet peppers. Spicy guac. Homemade grain-free coconut flour mini biscuits.

This was a super simple chili I whipped up over the weekend and it actually turned out pretty great. The biscuits did too! I wish I could say I made up the recipe, but I didn’t. They remind me of little corn muffins, but they’re completely grain free and vegan too. It’s hard to cook with coconut flour and no eggs but these turned out great, if a little crumbly.

Kelp noodles. Cheezy cashew sauce. Nooch.

I’ve been really intrigued by kelp noodles lately, and I finally took the plunge last weekend and bought them from Whole Foods. Verdict: really interesting, but tasty. You have to rinse them first, to get rid of the seaweedy taste, and then soak whatever you don’t use, but they are pretty similar to al dente rice noodles and taste great with sauces. These were topped with a nooch and cashew based sauce, and then with even more nooch. What can I say, I love nooch! Kelp noodles are a good source of calcium and are only 6 calories per 4 ounces. So you could eat the entire package for under 20 calories, and then use the cals you saved to add a bunch of toppings. Because that’s what noodles should be, a vehicle for awesome sauces and stuff!

Sweet potato chocolate chip waffle. Buckwheat flour. Leftover sweet potato. Flax meal. Almond milk. Chocolate chips. Chocolate protein frosting.

This is my new favorite waffle combo. It always turns out thick and fluffy when I make them with buckwheat flour, plus it’s gluten-free (and technically grain free, since buckwheat is actually a seed). Don’t judge, but sweet potatoes and chocolate chips are an amazing flavor combo!

Whole Foods salad bar for dinner. Falafel. Broccoli slaw. Mediterranean kale salad. Edamame. Pumpkin seeds. California quinoa salad. Tofu ratatouille.

This Whole Foods salad bar did not disappoint! It was my first time at this particular one and I was definitely impressed by the array of vegan options. My favorite was the California quinoa salad–basically red quinoa, edamame, coconut shreds and a few other things. So good, and so worth the 5 bucks!

PB & J French toast. Sprouted sourdough. Crushed PB Puffins. Almond peanut cashew butter. Organic grape jelly. Side of vanilla protein frosting.

This was my second French toast experience ever. And I’m still loving it. This PB&J version was a total winner. I really love using sprouted sourdough for this because it adds a really different flavor to the dish.

Kelp noodles. Basil merlot marinara. Nooch. Sunshine sage & hemp veggie burger.

This was an Italian take on kelp noodles. I liked this even more than the cashew version, again, the nooch made it! This kind of reminded me of the traditional pasta dinner–spaghetti, red sauce and meatballs–but obviously a healthier, vegan, gluten-free version.

Parfait. So Delicious raspberry Greek coconut milk yogurt. Vanilla protein frosting. Nature’s Path sunrise vanilla cereal. Chopped fresh fig.

This was just a thrown together lunch, but it turned out so delicious. It was really random, but all the flavors worked together. Oh, and I got way too excited when I discovered the coconut milk Greek yogurt over the weekend. I’d seen it all over other blogs but finally got to try it for myself and it’s soooooooo good. Now I don’t miss normal Greek yogurt!

Have you ever seen a president (former or current) before? Would you try kelp noodles?

31 thoughts on “WIAW: Eats & POTUS

  1. That is so cool Obama visited your college! I’m jealous.
    I really hope you Americans know what’s good for you and vote for Obama since the only option is a… okay,I don’t want to get offensive here.

    Your eats look super yummy; of course I’d give kelp noodles a try if I had the chance,at least I am the biggest pasta-lover EVER! 😉 I’d love to have them with your cashew-cheeze-sauce,it sounds really good!

  2. That’s so cool the pres visited! Some of my CSU buddies on facebook wrote about that and I was so jealous y’all got classes cancelled!
    I’m totally diggin that parfait– YUMMMMMMMMM 😀

  3. I actually saw both McCain and Obama back in 2007 when they were running for office. They visited my college and I covered both events for the student paper. Sorry you didn’t get to see Obama, but I do agree, regardless of political affiliation it’s super fun to see politicians and know about what’s going on. Plus you missed it for a cool reason because a campus TV station is kinda neat :). Your food looks super yummy!

    • I had no idea you got the opportunity to cover their visits, that’s such an awesome thing! Being part of the media, even just student media, is really eye-opening and you get to be on the front line of all sorts of things.

  4. That really is cool that he visited! Sorry you didn’t get to see him in person, but listening to the speech is awesome enough and I’m glad you were moved by his words… plus classes getting cancelled is always awesome 🙂 Your food is looking great too Ashley, pb and j french toast sounds like a winning combo to me

  5. I’ve heard of kelp noodles before, but never knew what they were all about. Sound interesting. Are they considered a vegetable?

    That’s really cool about the President. He gave a speech really close to me too, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to go. I really like what you said about it not mattering what political party you are with. It was just cool! Totally agree.

  6. Aja says:

    Your WIAWs are always so awesome. It makes me hungry. I don’t know what kelp noodles are but I would try them. They look delicious. So does that pb&j french toast.
    That’s awesome about President Obama! I would have been so stoked to see him in person. I don’t get into politics, so it would have been purely a celeb thing. haha.

  7. caloricandcrazy says:

    That raw cookie reminds me of a larabar type treat! It looks good enough!
    And that parfait is rockin’! 😀

  8. UMMMM totally freaking jealous that POTUS came to your school. Why is my college so lame? I’m not sure, but probably because it is in Texas lol That parfait looks the bomb though. I love anything in parfait form, which is probably due to when I was younger going to TCBY and always wanting a parfait.

  9. Your waffle looks delicious!! I’ve never done a sweet potato/choc. chip combo before, but I have done a roasted japanese sweet potato topped with mandarin chocolate sauce for dessert which was delicious! I must not be doing the kelp noodles right either, I tried them and at the end of the meal they tasted like soap. Do you cook them?

  10. Emily says:

    How exciting that Obama came and visited your school! I’ve never seen/met any of the presidents, but Obama has been in my area quite a few times for social events and conferences. It’s always kind of a pain because they have to shut down all of the streets and there’s people everywhere. haha.
    Your kelp noodle creations look delicious! I order kelp noodles all the time at a few vegan & raw restaurants that I go to, but I’ve never prepared them myself. I need to!

    And yay for being nooch addicts! (:

  11. All your meals look so delicious!! I have never seen a president in person before; that is exciting that President Obama came to your school. Those kelp noodles seem very interesting–I have never tried them before, but would be more than willing to!! I always love experimenting with new food:) Those sweet potato-chocolate chip waffles look fantastic, and I don’t think that combination is strange at all! Your Whole Foods salad also looks amazing–I have never eaten at their salad bar before, but I definitely want to some day…Of course, I will have to save up some money first, as Whole Foods isn’t nicknamed “Whole Paycheck” for nothing:D

    • It definitely should be renamed Whole Paycheck hahaha! I wish I could eat at their salad bar more often but it would really add up. When I go, I try to load up on lighter weight items and it usually comes out around $5 or $6, which isn’t bad for a meal out!

  12. I’m going to get so much crap for this, but I really want(ed) to meet Lyndon B. Johnson. I just love what he did for the civil rights movement.

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